Law of Attraction Life Coach shares useful information that will help you live your life from a Law of Attraction point of view. Life Coach David is a certified and very experienced Law of Attraction life coach. He offers a complimentary phone coaching session to those considering him as their life coach. Find out more at www.lifecoachdavid.com.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Certified and Experienced Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues reading from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting." But first he asks the listener an important question. Find out what that question is so you can improve your life. He then continues reading from the book. However, according to the author, this is the most important aspect of the Law of Attraction and how to get it to "work" in your favor. So you don't want to miss this episode and put it into practice in your own life. Life Coach David always offers a free mini phone coaching session to whoever is interested in coaching. Contact him at this website or just click here. Have a high vibration day and thanks for listening!

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting." However, first find out what he manifested unexpectedly for less than half the price! It was something he had been wanting and out of the blue it happened. Then he continues to read about one of the most important aspects of the Law of Attraction. Don't miss this episode! If you'd like Law of Attraction coaching he offers a free mini phone coaching session. You can contact him through his website. Have a high vibration day and thanks for listening!

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting" and comments on how you can use the information in your life. This is a very important part of the book where the author discusses the difference between focusing on what we want, and what we don't want. It can be very tricky to figure out which you're actually focusing on. Many of the processes David teaches his clients help them make sure they're focusing on what they really want. If you'd like to experience a free Law of Attraction phone coaching session, contact Life Coach David through his website or email him david@lifecoachdavid.com to schedule it. Have a high vibration day and thanks for listening!

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) discovers that Ariana Grande sings about the Law of Attraction (even though she probably doesn't know it). Find out what song it is and the lines that prove it. He then continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting" where you'll find out what words your thinking that are blocking you from attracting what you want. When you're ready for a free phone coaching session with Life Coach David, contact him through his website to set it up. Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Certified and experienced Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from 'Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting.' However, before that he answers a question from Sue about self-empowerment. In this reading you'll find out the root of how your thoughts and "vibrations" control what you attract. If you'd like a free phone coaching session with Life Coach David, contact him through his website. Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Certified and experienced Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read very informative information about the Law of Attraction. He tries to raise your vibration by telling a few jokes. However, these particular jokes are very corny. Though he hopes you'll laugh from them, they're not the best jokes. Laughing every day helps keep you feeling good. He then continues to read wonderful information about the Law of Attraction from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting." Find out why the way you think about something effects what you attract. If you want a free Law of Attraction phone coaching session, contact David through his web site. Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting!" In this episode you'll find out more ideas on how you can use the Law of Attraction in your life. Once you understand more of how it "works" you'll be able to start attracting more of what you want. Find out how in this episode. If you want to experience Law of Attraction coaching in your life David offers a free mini phone coaching session. Contact him through his website to schedule the call. Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
Certified and experienced Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting." You'll get more valuable information on how you can apply what the author talks about into your life. David also shares a personal experience of how he attracted a dream car for himself. If you'd like Law of Attraction coaching contact David through his web site or simply email him at david@lifecoachdavid.com. The first mini phone coaching session is free. As coaching sessions are held over the phone it doesn't matter where you live. Thanks for listening and tune in soon for the next Podcast!

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) answers an important question about how to start your day from a Law of Attraction point-of-view. He then continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting." The reading in this episode stresses a very important component of how we attract what we attract. You'll be more informed about becoming a deliberate creator after listening to this episode! Life Coach David also reminds the listener that he offers a free mini phone coaching session to those considering starting coaching to improve their lives. Enjoy this episode and tune in tomorrow for more helpful information!

Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) lets listeners know about the Holistic Summit on June 3-5. 30 Holistic Experts were interviewed (including Life Coach David) so you can get free help from a variety of holistic minded healers. For more information just click here. Life Coach David continues to read from "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting" and shares the 4 steps to manifesting all that you want. Is it as easy as that? Find out in this episode! Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day.