Law of Attraction Life Coach shares useful information that will help you live your life from a Law of Attraction point of view. Life Coach David is a certified and very experienced Law of Attraction life coach. He offers a complimentary phone coaching session to those considering him as their life coach. Find out more at www.lifecoachdavid.com.

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
In this episode Life Coach David (www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from "Money and the Law of Attraction." This is an important episode (like all of them) because you'll find out what to do to stop blocking money from coming into your life and allow money into your life.
Life Coach David also shares with you what he's been doing since the last episode about how to win the lottery. Yes, he's been winning!
If you're considering coaching with David, he offers a free mini phone coaching session. It doesn't matter where you live since coaching sessions are held over the phone!
Contact him today to schedule your free session. Just go to www.lifecoachdavid.com to contact him.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Friday Mar 06, 2020
HOW TO WIN THE LOTTERY! Money and the Law of Attraction
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
How To Win The Lottery!
Do you want to win the lottery? If so, this episode is a must to listen to. Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from "Money and the Law of Attraction" written by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
In this episode you'll find out how to win the lottery, and a few techniques on how to attract more money in general. (David got a scratch off the day he recorded this and won $200!)
You'll also get inspired to be the best version of yourself.
Life Coach David
Life Coach David is a certified and very experienced Law of Attraction life coach. He's written the books "Vibratize Your Life!" "Magnetize Your Life!" and the 21 day self-guided program "Living The Law of Attraction" which you can find at www.lifecoachdavid.com.
Law of Attraction Coaching Session
David offers a free mini phone coaching session if you're interested in coaching from him.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Money and The Law of Attraction - The Receiving Mode
In this episode Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) shares a wonderful "win" he had at the lottery store. He then continues to read from and discuss "Money and The Law of Attraction." In this episode the focus is on how to put yourself in the receiving mode of money (or whatever it is you want). You don't want to miss this important episode!
Free Law of Attraction Phone Coaching Session
If you're thinking about having a Law of Attraction life coach, contact Life Coach David today. He offers a free first mini phone coaching session.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
What To Do To Attract Money
In this episode certified and experienced Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read and discuss "Money and the Law of Attraction."
You have to listen to this episode! You'll find out how to really start attracting money!
The Law of Attraction is always responding to you, so you want to know what you can do so it works in your favor.
Free Mini Phone Coaching Session
Life Coach David offers a free mini phone coaching session. If you'd like to experience a session with a Law of Attraction Life Coach contact him today - just click here.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Law of Attraction and Money
Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from and discuss "Money and the Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. In this episode they finally get to the top of money. Are you attracting it or blocking it? Find out in this episode.
Life Coach David also has an important question for you that will help you attract what you want.
Free Law of Attraction Coaching Session
If you are thinking about having Life Coach David as your life coach, contact him today. He offers a free mini phone coaching session. That way you can get an idea of how coaching works, and ask him any questions you may have.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
LAW OF ATTRACTION - how to leave a relationship
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
If you are thinking of leaving someone or know someone who is, this episode is a must listen to! Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from and discuss "Money and the Law of Attraction" written by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham). You'll get very useful information about the "best" way to leave someone and why.
Find Out About This Win!
Life Coach David will also share a wonderful "win" from one of his clients which is more proof of the Law of Attraction.
Free Law of Attraction Coaching Session
Life Coach David offers a free mini phone coaching session for those considering coaching. Contact him through his website or email him at david@lifecoachdavid.com for more information.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
LAW OF ATTRACTION - How To Attract What You Want
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Law of Attraction - How To Attract What You Want
In this important episode Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read from Money and The Law of Attraction. However, before that he shares an amazing win by one of his clients, you have to hear what happened. It's proof that Law of Attraction "works." Then he reads from the book and you'll find out how to become more of a deliberate creator. It's such an important episode.
Free Law of Attraction Phone Coaching Session
If you want to find out how to attract what you want, contact Life Coach David and have a free mini phone coaching session with him. You'll be glad you did. David has been successfully coaching people all over the U.S. and other parts of the world. With his certification and years of experience, he's ready to help you become the best version of yourself.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Money and The Law of Attraction - Are you Attracting It or Repelling it?
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Money and The Law of Attraction - Are you Attracting It or Repelling it?
In this episode certified life coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues reading from "Money and The Law of Attraction." In this episode you'll find out if you're attracting it, or repelling it. Of course you want to attract money so make sure to listen. He also answers a question from a listener which has an interesting answer.
Free Law of Attraction Phone Coaching Session
Life Coach David offers a free mini phone coaching session to those that are seriously considering having him as their life coach. If you're serious about improving your life in some way or about attracting what you want, contact him today.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
MONEY and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION - When you go to sleep and when you wake up!
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Money and The Law of Attraction - Going To Sleep/Waking Up
Life Coach David (https://www.lifecoachdavid.com) continues to read and discuss from the book "Money and The Law of Attraction" written by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham). In this important episode he'll discuss what you can do when you go to sleep and wake up to help set up your day in a positive way. You'll also hear about a technique that works to help you focus on what you want.
Can you hear how many times David's new pup Dash barks in the background? David's new pup is only a few months old and can't help himself from barking in the background! He's so cute doing all his puppy things. He's a Biewer Terrier - ever hear of that breed?
Free Law of Attraction Coaching Session
Life Coach David offers a free mini phone coaching session to those that are considering him as their life coach. If you want to experience life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view (and it only gets better and better) contact him today.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
MONEY AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION - What's the book of positive aspects?
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Law of Attraction and Money - Book of Positive Aspects
What does the Book of Positive Aspects have to do with attracting more money and other things you want? Find out in this episode. There's lots of great Law of Attraction information as usual, but this one is important! Life Coach David is a certified and every experienced Law of Attraction life coach. He's written a few books on the subject "Vibratize Your Life!" and "Magnetize Your Life!" as well as a 21 day self-guided program called "Living The Law of Attraction!"
Free Law of Attraction Coaching Session
Life Coach David is offering free mini phone coaching sessions to anyone who's interested in coaching. Contact him today at www.lifecoachdavid.com or david@lifecoachdavid.com.
Thanks for listening and have a high vibration day!